I am in awe of the abilities of this woman JK Rowling. Like many teenagers, my son has grown up loving and rereading the Harry Potter series. I even found him with the Deathly Hallows in his hands when I got back from work last night and I can't tell you how many times he's read that. It's quite annoying watching the movies with him as he fills in all the little missing details (I have read the books myself, but don't quite have his memory on these things!)
First of all Ms Rowling creates a world that has captured the imaginations of millions of children and adults around the world, then she maintains creative control over the movies and now she is leading the creative world by the nose showing us all how it's done with her new Pottormore website which if all the hype is to be believed is giving a completely new, fabulous model for the future of "publishing". All the while she has maintained creative and financial control over what she does, appears to have a happy home life and gives generously to charity!
A bit of a role model I have to admit...
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